Vaiśeṣika Darśana Intro

Vaiśeṣika Lesson-1 Introduction Vaiśeṣika Darśana was founded by Kaṇāda (the pen or nickname of Uluka). Hence also called Kāṇāda or Aulukya Darśana. Uluka the ascetic was called Kaṇāda as he used to live on kaṇas or grains gleaned from agricultural…

MSP-1 Himalaya 2019

The Himalaya Class is to include Shivaratri Puja (optional) but is strongly recommended. Jageshwar Journey:We plan to land in Neelesh Inn, Bhim Tal a day earlier on 3rd March 2019 (Sunday). Others may prefer a day earlier and lots of…


Vedic thought is divided into six (ṣaḍ) philosophies (darśana). These are Sāṁkhya Yoga Nyāya Vaiśeṣika Mīmāṁsā Vedānta Darśana literally means to view, to see or behold [the Lord]. It also includes their literature on spirituality and salvation. It is described…

Past Life

In what has become a dramatic real-life case of the old Bollywood movie ‘karz’, we have a young boy who remembers his immediate past life “incarnation” details where he was murdered. The boy, of the Druze ethnic group, was born…

More about Mantras

Number of Mantras The primary Mantras are said to be about 70 million in number and the secondary mantra are innumerable. The number seventy million perhaps corresponds to the 7 weekdays times a million each but that is what seems…

Mantra Śāstra Meaning

Mantra Śāstra is the science of sound. Mantra (मन्त्र) means and includes An instrument of thought which is the basis of speech that germinates from sound. It includes sacred text, sacred sounds, a prayer or song of praise Vedic hymn…

Life in Bhū Loka

We live on bhū-loka, the earth plane and are guided in our daily activities by the Sun and Moon who are the dominant lights in the day and night respectively. They who are always shining down, always showing us where…

Triloka Application

This forms the first foundation for remedial measures. Later we learn some more about karma as well as body parts being divided into drekkāṇa (three-fold divisions) charts. Marriage-Celibacy Everything that is related to one’s sexuality as well as procreative ability…

Triloka Maṇḍala

Tri-Loka लोक (loka) means a region or plane of consciousness and existence. It is derived from the work आलोक (āloka) meaning light and indicates regions of space illuminated by the rays of the sun. For this reason, the ancient Indians…


Śaktī is viewed as the principal field of evolution and in that sense is construed as a feminine personality but is viewed as a potency or energy type. Nārāyaṇa, the Supreme Lord has two types of energies. These are the…